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The quality of yarn produced is of utmost importance as it should conform to the quality norms specified by the customer. It is equally important that this should be achieved without making any compromise in productivity, which otherwise affects the yarn costing. Quality Control is concerned with sampling, specifications, and testing. We ensure that the necessary and relevant tests are carried out and that all materials are dispatched only after satisfactory quality checks.

We understand that Quality Control is not confined to laboratory operations only, but is involved in all decisions, which may affect the quality of the product. Therefore we have an independent QC department which ensures that products are manufactured as per expectation and even a slight variation is taken care of. The Quality Control Department establish, validate and implement all quality control procedures, keep the reference samples of materials and products. We ensure that the QC department monitors the stability of the products and participate in the investigation of complaints related to the quality of the product if any etc.

The company has an installed capacity of 28000 spindles. This unique combination of machinery has given the company the ability to cater to various customer segments and establish a foothold across various markets.

Unit: Ring Spun Yarn
Monthly Production: 450 Tons

Quality Check

We take the following measures to ensure strict quality checks at the various stages of production.

Raw Material

  • 100% checking of cotton samples manually and by USTER HVI SPECTRUM
  • Manual picking of contamination with attractive incentive schemes for the same
  • Loptexfibre scanner at blow room stage
  • Proper cement floor for storage of all raw material bales

In Process

  • Our all cards are attached with auto levelers for utmost consistency
  • USTER yarn clearers at winding stage for any contamination / uneven yarns
  • All our humidity plants are installed with variable frequency drives to ensure maintenance of required humidity at all times


  • 100% of all the yarn produced is passed through ultraviolet light to check for contaminations
  • All packing workers wear hand gloves while packing the yarn
  • Sample testing of minimum 20% of each lot is carried out during the process and after manufacturing

Test Report

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